Around the World
Written by SuAnn Kiser

✎ Story Overview
Have you ever wondered who you would be if you lived in a different country? This book takes the child on a journey around the globe to discover the foods they would eat, the music they might enjoy, and what their favorite activities would be if they lived someplace else. With a map of the world and an extensive glossary of words from other cultures, this story is sure to instill a lifelong desire to explore.
✎ Publisher
Shutterfly, 2019
Available for purchase at
Client wanted it to be colorful, playful yet still informative of each culture shared in every country. They wanted to create a sense of connection to other children and celebrate everyday similarities and differences that exist between cultures around the world.

The main character of the book is fully customizable, from different shades of skin tone, hair color and hair type. I illustrated these all throughout the spreads.
