You are Like a Seed
Written by Michaun Madsen

✎ Story Overview
There are many ways to help a seed grow up strong and healthy. The same can be said of a child and the benefits of a happy and healthy home, with a nurturing family that tends the garden and feeds the soul. Author Michaun Madsen saw the similarities and created a story illustrating this growth process so young minds can actually see and better understand the benefits of a healthy body, mind, and spirit. You are Like a Seed teaches kids to trust their authentic self, knowing that deep inside, they already have everything it takes to experience a life of happiness.
✎ Publisher
DeVorss Publications, 2019
Available for purchase in bookstores in the U.S. and online such as Amazon and


Winner of the 2020 COVR Visionary Awards for Best Children’s Book

Client wanted the illustrations to be bright, colorful and full of life. I was also given an idea of what they want illustrated on each pages (such as, “toddler sitting on a big comfy chair”) and it was up to me to envision it.


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